Mountain Martial Arts~West 248 Texas Road, Old Bridge Nj 08857

Mountain Martial Arts~East 785 Holmdel Rd, Holmdel Nj 07733
About Mountain Martial Arts
When you visit our dojo, you will find it to be truly unique in style and spirit. The energy and enthusiasm of our classes and the beauty of our dojo will transform your idea of a martial arts experience.
We teach Goju Ryu Karate Do, an authentic fighting art which originated in Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa is the birth place of Karate do. This style was developed by the famous Karate Master, Chojun Miyagi and has been passed down largely in it’s original form. The training you will receive at Mountain Martial Arts embodies the spirit and honor of those who have made karate a proud and strong tradition
Goju, meaning hard and soft, is a style of karate founded in the 1930’s by Chojun Miyagi. Originating from Okinawa, Goju Ryu Karate is one of the five major styles of Karate, and has remained one of the most traditional. One of the defining features of this style is its combination of soft style open handed techniques and circular blocks, melded together with a number of hard techniques which include punches and kicks. Another defining feature of this style is its inclusion of upper body wrestling, join locks, takedowns, sweeps, and throws. Influences from Chinese kung fu and other Okinawan martial arts are also present, adding to the unique nature of this Karate style.
Mark Kapel Sensei, Kyoshi ~ 8th Dan

Kapel Sensei, is the owner/teacher of Mountain Martial Arts, Est 1998. He started training in Goju Ryu late in 1981 in The House Of Karate on Staten Island. The style taught there was Shinto Goju Ryu. Shihan Chris DeBaise developed the style which was a blend of Urban Goju and Goju Kai. The owner of that dojo was George Smith (Sensei Smitty) and the Chief instructor during the 90’s was Glenn Cunningham Sensei. However, during the 1990’s our training shifted toward Okinawa Goju Ryu and in 1998 we traveled to Okinawa to train with Eiichi Miyazato Sensei in his Jundokan dojo.
In 1998 Kapel Sensei opened Mountain Martial Arts in Monroe Twp, NJ and has been training and teaching Okinawa Goju Ryu everyday since then.
We are honored to be an Official representative (Shibu-Dojo) and student of Masaji Taira~Hanshi~9thDan, Chairman of The Okinawa Goju Ryu Kenkyu Kai. In addition to being a teacher, Kapel Sensei has also taught, organized and hosted many tournaments and seminars with some of the most talented Goju Ryu practitioners anywhere.
Kapel Sensei regularly teaches classes and seminars specializing in kata/bunkai and is available to travel to your dojo to teach.
empowering lives through martial arts

They focus on individual growth, not on team competition. Many kids struggle with the pressure of competing with other kids. But in martial arts, the focus is on self-improvement. There’s no “letting down the team.”
They work toward specific goals. Some kids who learn and think differently feel like they never “win” at anything. In martial arts, kids work at their own pace. They earn a different colored belt every time they reach a new skill level. This can boost self-esteem and keep them motivated.

Routines are broken down into chunks. A technique or form in martial arts can have dozens of different movements. But kids learn gradually, repeating and adding steps as they go. They learn to anticipate which step comes next. And eventually, they put everything together into fluid movements.
They emphasize self-control and concentration. Attention is central to martial arts. Kids have to stay focused to learn and to do the movements. When a child’s focus drifts, instructors often ask them to take the “ready stance.” This lets them reset and get ready for what’s next

They’re a safe way for kids to get out extra energy. It’s a myth that martial arts encourage violent behavior. In fact, instructors often say that fighting is a last resort. At the same time, kicking and karate chopping let kids work out frustration or anger while practicing self-control.


4 Months Ago

begin you karate legacy
The Only Thing Stopping you, is you. Come join our TEEN or ADULT Classes.
mountain martial arts ~ old bridge, nj

mountain martial arts ~ holmedel, nj

Get In Touch
785 Holmdel Rd., Holmdel, NJ 07733